The Lincoln Reciprocity Roundtable serves as a resource to enable a P.E.O. sister to find a new chapter when she moves into our area. Wherever you go in P.E.O. you'll find a network of sisters waiting to help you adjust to your new location.
You are considered "unaffiliated" if you are now living far from the chapter to which you belong and can no longer attend there. However, you may remain a member of that chapter until you decide to transfer to another chapter closer to your new home. That's why Lincoln Roundtable is here, to help you find that new chapter home.
Unaffiliated members are always welcome to attend the three Roundtable meetings that are held during the year. It's a great opportunity to meet sisters from many Lincoln area chapters.
You'll find the dates of future meetings listed on the Bulletin Board menu item.
To see a current list of unaffiliates who want to be contacted, click the download button above, or click Current Unaffiliate List on the UNAFFILIATES menu. Provide the usual P.E.O. web password. If you are a member of a Lincoln chapter, please contact these women and invite them to your meetings and social events.
If you are an unaffiliated member and are looking for a chapter, please check the list and make sure your name is on it and that your contact information is correct. Please contact us if your information is incorrect.